What’s Elf Alliance?

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Thank you ever so much for your support and goodwill! :-)

Visit ‘The Impenetrable and Mysterious Alliance of Santa’s Secret Elves‘ to reach out and join hands with others in giving service throughout the holidays and the rest of the year. Elf Alliance and the FB group seek to support community-minded service to both groups (particularly seniors) and individuals (of all stripes) by offering ideas on ways to cheer both friend and stranger through recipes, music, theatrical plays, arts and crafts projects. You can post your own ideas, document your funny failures, and chronicle your spectacular triumphs on the FB group. Join us there now and introduce yourself. 🙂

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Have service ideas, success stories, spectacular fails or glorious triumphs to share? Visit and join The Impenetrable and Mysterious Alliance of Santa's Secret Elves on Facebook or contact thesanta@elfalliance.com ... :-)