Stand for the Silent : Help End School Bullying

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I was the chunky kid growing up. So yes, I was bullied. I was beat up. I was called names. I was ostracized. Luckily, I knew my mother loved me and I had a strong church life (though ironically, I got bullied by some of the youth there as well). When I thought about ending it all, my belief in heaven and an afterlife made me think, ‘what’s the point if it just goes on.’ I know that’s hardly a strong spiritual standpoint, but it kept me alive. Today, I’m in a better place, but when I saw a booth by the grocery store for ‘Stand for the Silent’ I had to jump out of my car and get some more info.

After talking with the guy there, it turns out you can make a big difference by helping bring a ‘Stand for the Silent’ presentation to your school. Just let the administration know these presentations are available and have them reach out to …

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Here’s some more info from their website:


Reach the bullied
“I get bullied all the time…It really hurts and you have just inspired me and taught me that I am somebody! I can make a change!”

Reach the bullies
“I had to admit that I used to be a bully and you really opened my eyes to what the victims feel and I burst into tears when I heard the story of your son…you didn’t just stop me from being a bully but now I am supporting the cause brother.”

Teach kids to stand up
“This was a very life changing night for me. I’m going to find people tomorrow who have been picked on and the ones who need a friend…it brought tears to my eyes. I will be the change.”

Save lives
“When you came to speak at our middle school it really made me feel a lot more confident about myself. I admit to thinking about suicide and how I was going to do it because the kids at school always talk about me and hit me when the teachers are not looking – but since you came it has made a difference in my life and I really can’t explain how thankful I am.”

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