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Thank you ever so much for your support and goodwill! :-)
We recently went to perform our little version of Daniel in the Lion’s Den for both sets of grandparents and at a couple of care centers (along with some Spring-themed songs). My wife made paper bag LION PUPPETS (we found the design on Pinterest) to hand out to the audience (they got to roar at the appropriate moments – interactivity always makes it more fun for the spectators). We also worked as a family to create some character puppets to help us with our minimally-staged reading of the script. I made a basic template, which my wife then added line art for various costumes and had scanned. After printing them, she colored them in and laminated them; we then added sticks and google eyes. Here is a free download of the “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” line art in a PDF to print and color yourself. Feel free to add hair and skin tones! Ours ended up looking a little like ghosts. 😀 More below …
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Also, here is a PDF of the play, if you’re interested in performing it at home, church or care centers:
- Daniel in the Lion’s Den (5-7 minutes): A short play in one act by Taavi, Dixie & M. Ryan Taylor
It was a lot of fun to perform this for family and strangers and the seniors really seemed to enjoy themselves and being lions for a day. 🙂
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