Notice: This site uses a few affiliate links to help support the Alliance.
Thank you ever so much for your support and goodwill! :-)

Based somewhat on a couple of kindness and service lists I have previously posted, here is a 50-pack of FREE Kindness Bingo sheets (PDF) that you can download. Pick just one for you, or print all 50 randomized sheets and share them with family, friends, neighbors, on community boards, at the library where they put the free community literature, etc.. You can also play KINDNESS BINGO ONLINE for free … click, create your own personalized card and bookmark the link (it will keep track of your progress). Let us know how it goes!!! and good luck getting a bingo!!! You’ll surely be creating your own luck as you go. 🙂

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Have service ideas, success stories, spectacular fails or glorious triumphs to share? Visit and join The Impenetrable and Mysterious Alliance of Santa's Secret Elves on Facebook or contact ... :-)